"...This life is made up of little things-little things that count a great deal. I believe that the little things are of great importance in our relationship with ourselves, in our relationship with others, and in our relationship with God." - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

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I'm just your typical girl who loves to lay around in sweats, a messy bun and spend quality time with those she loves. I've learned that it's the little things in life that makes it so beautiful. Even when life gets hard, little things like a smile or a simple "I love you" can make all the difference. I truly believe in this. Never think that your life doesn't matter - it does. It matters for eternity. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I am a Christian.
I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Was Ten Years Old.

10 years ago on September 11th, 2001 something tragic happened to our country. I was ten years old when this unforgettable incident happened. I woke up to my mommy listening to some random patriotic song on the radio. It was a bit odd since she would listen to the same music as me and it wasn't something that sounded familiar. I went to the bathroom and asked her what she was listening to and why. Her response was, "Something sad happened today, you'll find out at school." I went to school and kids were talking and crying and freaking out. I still had no idea what was going on. When I finally got into class, my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Ryan explained in the most simplest words what happened this morning. I was in awe. I couldn't believe. Of course, I started to freak out as my eyes looked at the building my class was in as this HUGE, tall building and I thought the next plane was sure going to hit us next. We were all scared and confused. I look back now and my goodness, I was so little when this happened. I watched the news that day at school and at home and I felt sad. Even though it still didn't make that much sense to me, I was able to have some sort of emotion to the whole event. I remember this girl, Monica Robinson, shared a story to us during circle time. She told us how her uncle was at the airport and was about to board onto on of the planes that ended up crashing into the World Trade Center and right before he got on, he has this feeling not to get on. Later, he soon found out that his flight had just crashed into a building. 

10 years have passed by since this all happened. I can't believe it's already been 10 years. The way we live our everyday lives have changed since September 11th, 2001. Security has changed the most. No one can ever forget what happened that day. No one will ever forget what they were doing when they found out what happened. No one will ever forget the families who lost loved ones that day. I'm so grateful to live in this country and the freedom that it gives.

♥ The Girl Who Is Excited For Her First Day Of School Tomorrow

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