"...This life is made up of little things-little things that count a great deal. I believe that the little things are of great importance in our relationship with ourselves, in our relationship with others, and in our relationship with God." - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

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I'm just your typical girl who loves to lay around in sweats, a messy bun and spend quality time with those she loves. I've learned that it's the little things in life that makes it so beautiful. Even when life gets hard, little things like a smile or a simple "I love you" can make all the difference. I truly believe in this. Never think that your life doesn't matter - it does. It matters for eternity. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I am a Christian.
I'm a Mormon.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday's True Confession.

So, I've decided to try a new thing to do every Thursday. I was in the car on my way to Nana's house for Christmas dinner when I thought of this and figured it could be a fun way for you to get to know me better! So, here goes to the first true confession of liv:

The day after Christmas I buy ornaments and any sort of Christmas decoration for my future families Christmas tree.

I know, call me lame haha but I can't help myself! I almost never buy stuff for myself to currently use, I always think in the future and if buying a pack of 12 black frames could come in handy one day. This year, along with some adorable Christmas ornaments, I bought some little Christmas decorations to use around my future house some day. Would you believe me if I said that I've boughten my future baby girl {{emphasis on the girl, not plural}} a little beanie that says BYUI on it? Well, true story. 

♥ The Girl Who Is Excited For Tomorrow 

1 comment:

  1. So you're the girl that has to drag a Uhaul back and forth from school huh? Haha. This is a brilliant idea.
